Interaction | Saihu | Product Design


Interaction Structure

Feature, Element, Interaction Flow, Information Structure


Create product is a huge work. Especially, you are the only person in charged of design.

There are so many different factors will affect the product, and it always happen in a continuous process throughout the lifecycle of product, that force me to set the priority and focus on the things that matter most.

In this case I'm just bringing one feature for design process.

What I'm gonna do.

Carefully consider the Goal and Marketing, then find “ who ” our product is and create the product.

How to do it.

Define the User-Story to get the basic flow of product, then breakdown each User-Story to specific features aimed at satisfying their needs.

Approach Strategy

Every user could switch to two roles in this product: One for Provider, Another for Buyer. So, avoid to bogged down in the details too much of this concept, I will break down the roughly flow for both roles and then connect together with user-flow.

As a Buyer

Find the right person for the problem.

Anytime and Anywhere

Have a depth communication


As a Provider

Share the knowledge

Earn the money

Efficiently use fragmented time


Plan out this low-level flow to secure the basic process, helps to walk through the product overview also figuring out what goes on and how those requirement function needs. It's like looking at directions from point A to point X. I can see which routes to take.

Functional Definition

After Flow-Outline, next is to figure out the necessary function by each chart, and finish the functional planning. Will have a clear basis for the needs of the product. On the other hand, those elements are already have roughly determined by function and could be very flexible to rewrite it.

Specification Elements

Find out the content or element that is relevant to the specific feature. Those would present in the product and easy to identify or thoroughly understand the meaning.

Interaction Flow

Not every task is a straightforward path. Some will have twists and turns. These type of page flows are more complex and need hashing out. And those interaction flow are perfect for analyzing the efficiency of these tasks.

Secure the reservation involves more than clicking through pages. And this allow me to examine every aspect of the task, that I can make it quicker and easier. And also, help developers understand how the product interacts with user behavior.Because the user have to acknowledge feedback and type in a form field then check the current situation. The product needs to respond to the user when they move on next status and do actions.

Design Work

“ Create any possibility of flowing knowledge. ”

Carlos Wang CEO @ SaihuX Inc.
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